The EntrePastors Podcast helps pastors think, act, and thrive as prosperous entrepreneurs.
When a Congregation Embraces an Entrepreneurial Spirit with Dan Scott (#207)
In this episode of the EntrePastors Podcast Les talks with long-time pastor Dan Scott. Dan served Christ Church during a season in which a powerful move of the Holy Spirit took place as people were inspired, equipped, and released to go into the world and lean into their God-given gifts and talents in the marketplace. Dan captures many of the amazing stories that came out of this transformative season in his book Let the River Run. There were several national and international platforms that were launched out of this church during this season including Dan Miller’s 48 Days to Work You Love and Dave Ramsey’s Financial Peace ministry. We encourage pastors to listen to this conversation through the lens of what’s possible when we see our people as uniquely shaped by God not just work inside our churches, but to be sent out to have an impact far beyond the four walls of the church.
Guest Info/Links:
- Website: https://pastordanscott.com/
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